G&G Field Development Plan

Complete G & G Studies for Identifying & Maturing new Plays and generating Prospects for any area from scratch to get Final Development Plan (FDP) or Geotechnical Document (Geotech) & Optimizing the best well location to be drilled. The work flow includes

1.     Geological & Geophysical Interpretation.

2.     Tie of Well & Seismic data by using Synthetics and VSP.

3.     Structural Styles & Structural Pattern Identification.

4.     Applying different Seismic Attributes & DHI Analysis.

5.     Facies Modeling (Static Modeling).

6.     Petrophysical Modeling (Static Modeling).

7.     Time to Depth Conversion using different methods.

8.     Hydrocarbon In Place (HCIP) estimation.

9.     Prospect Evaluation & Risk Assessment.

10.  Quantitative Seismic Reservoir characterization (QI).

11.  Geo-Hazard Analysis.

12.  Well Location Optimization.

13.  Quality Control & Assurance.

14.  Geological & Geophysical Post-Well Analysis.